Available vitamin reduces the risk of death after 50 years

Scientists from Great Britain concluded that the vitamin, available thanks to many simple products, reduces the risk of death after 50 years, helping to protect the body's cells and tissues from destruction by free radicals, and preserving m ulcer mass. It is about vitamin C.

Researchers from the University of East Anglia have determined: vitamin C available to people helps preserve muscle mass after 50 years and reduces the risk of premature death. They came to this conclusion after analyzing the data of more than 13,000 people aged 42 to 82.

Scientists found that consuming foods rich in vitamin C helped people after 50 lose muscle mass more slowly. Its loss at this age begins to accelerate, which is one of the markers of the aging of the body.

The study showed that the consumption of an insufficient amount of this vitamin was associated with a more intense weakening of the body's muscle mass. Such a process, scientists note, is associated with many health disorders – in particular, with the development of age-related weakness and rapid aging, a general decrease in the quality of life, which increases the probability of a fairly early death.

“A normal level of vitamin C in helps the body protect cells and tissues from potentially harmful free radicals that cause muscle breakdown, thereby accelerating aging,” said Professor Ailsa Welch from Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia.

Getting enough vitamin C it is not difficult – it is available in many products, including simple and inexpensive ones. However, experts emphasize, the use of vitamins is a problem that requires a mandatory preliminary discussion with a doctor, since an excess of any substances, including useful ones, can be dangerous.

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Author: alex

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