Avoiding certain foods can slow down the aging process
Healthy eating habits slow down aging, experts recommend for this purpose to strictly control the consumption of alcohol, refined carbohydrates, sweets and other products.
According to the Chinese edition of WeChat, giving up some products in the daily diet can prolong the youth of the body by improving the health and functioning of internal organs and systems.
In particular, the experts of the publication informed that the prolongation of youth is facilitated by giving up daily or regular alcohol consumption – especially in large quantities.
Scientists note that excess alcohol, which is broken down by the liver, ages and wears out earlier an organ that is the main filter of the body, providing protection against toxins.
According to experts, the processing of alcohol by the liver activates the oxidative stress to which the cells of the organ are subjected. In turn, “oxidative stress is one of the key factors of aging: it damages fat tissue, DNA and protein, causing the development of age-related diseases.”
Another food to avoid in order to continue youth, – trans fats. Their daily consumption worsens the condition of the cardiovascular system, complicating blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen to the organs.
“There are two sources of trans fats: natural and processed foods – it is necessary to control the consumption of the artificially created type: margarine, confectionery fat, dry cream, etc.”.
Medics also named other products that provoke accelerated aging.
- Sweet and floury – in large quantities, age the skin.
- Hot food – worsens the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, damaging the integrity of its mucous membrane.
- Palting – has an excessively bad effect on the stomach and blood vessels.
- Fried food – ages the intestines, which negatively affects the balance of its microflora.
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