Away from my thoughts: how to forget a person
Did you ever think that you can't stop thinking about someone every day? Did you find in your environment a person you want to make friends with, but still don't take the first step? Do you go to the profile every day, because you can not stop thinking about him and expel him from his head? When we find a connection with a person, it leads to the release of dopamine in the brain, which creates a pleasant feeling as if you have finished a great task.
It is almost impossible to interrupt this connection in one day, especially to forget your loved one and the road. But you can take some important steps to stop thinking about a person who is no longer in your life.Buddhist Meditation Teacher Norman Fisher believes that the biggest problem we face when we want to forget someone and expel thoughts about him from his head is our own anger. It creates a cloud of emotion, which prevents being productive because anger is your biggest problem. Talk to you-use meditation techniques, exercise, walk longer and give yourself a little more time to survive.
Forgive you should not suffer, regret yourself and concentrate on the injury you received. Yes it really happened to you. Yes, it was really awful. Want to get your mind in order and stop thinking about him, then forgive and let go. You are not required to apologize directly, especially if you do not have this opportunity. Just as well as waiting for someone to apologize to you. Forgive only for your internal state. We forgive to live without the suffering associated with the fact that we get tired of the past. Imagine you lie on the beach and admire the dolphins that jump out of the water. Watch your thoughts and catch peace. Imagine a small ball of light on your hand and send it to a person that cannot be thrown out of your head. Wrap it with this light without missing a single part, and keep it until your anger, insult and disappointment disappear. Any emotion can save in 90 seconds as a high sea wave. Give yourself 90 seconds-about 15 deep sighs and exhalations, so as not to think of this person or situation. Many people lose it at the first point and all the hard work to exile from their heads of thoughts about a person is in vain. All you need is a concentration on your own feelings. Do not try specifically to look for hooks or signs that can lead you to think about this person – it will not help to forget it, but only tighten the recovery process.
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