Bacon, potatoes, beer and 5 more products that are very good for heart health


Our lifestyle has the greatest impact on our health: eating habits, motor activity, the ability to cope with stress. And the products we eat daily can eventually support our health – or vice versa, the cause of serious illness. We have collected several foods that should be eaten more often to support the health of the heart-because it depends on the health of this most important organ! The fact is that most fats in the fat are monounsaturated acids, which are very beneficial for the health of blood vessels and hearts, as they “dissolve” dangerous cholesterol. So a few slices of bacon per day – a doctor recommended by a doctor!


100 g of sunflower seeds contains 10% of the daily rate of magnesium – an element required for normal heart function. It is also a zinc seed that is also needed for the health of the cardiovascular system. And pumpkin seeds are rich in useful dietary fiber, which reduce the amount of dangerous cholesterol. And magnesium in them is also a lot: 65 grams contains the daily rate of this element.

beer coffee

Moderate coffee consumption helps to reduce arrhythmia – this conclusion came from the Uzs of Sydney University. And if you drink 4 cups of aromatic drink a day, you can significantly reduce the risk of vascular disease. The main thing is to drink black coffee, without milk and cream.

tomato paste

Lykopin is an important element that is vital to our heart. The less its content in the body, the higher the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease. And the easiest way to get it from tomato paste: only 4 grams contains a daily rate of lycopene – it is less than a teaspoon! Boiled potatoes or baked oil is safe for the figure and very good for health. The fact is that potatoes are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, as well as vitamin B6, is very important for the formation of red blood cells. They provide the normal functioning of all muscles – including cardiac. It is very useful, and most importantly – delicious!


not in any case not degreased: a study conducted by university experts has confirmed that only two portions of yogurt a day reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 30%. But only without sugar!

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Author: alex

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