Bananas, kefir and other foods are deadly when combined with paracetamol

Many perceive paracetamol as an affordable and relatively safe remedy against fever and headache. However, in combination with some products, the medicine becomes deadly.

You can buy paracetamol without a prescription, it is considered safe if you do not exceed the recommended dose. With long-term use of tablets, there is a risk of internal bleeding.

Experts also warn that mixing the drug with drinks containing ethanol is extremely dangerous. This refers to alcohol, which can increase the likelihood of death if you drink paracetamol with it.

This combination leads to liver damage. Doctors remind that bananas, especially if they are overripe, also contain ethanol, pickles, kefir, kvass and koumiss.

Symptoms of a bad condition are chills, weakness, itching and rash on the skin, fever, pain in the joints or swelling. Vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite should be alarming, if several manifestations are combined, it is better to consult a doctor. Those who already have liver problems should use the tablets with caution.

Normal absorption of paracetamol is also hindered by some other products that contain a lot of pectin and carbohydrates. These are, for example, vegetables from the cruciferous family, including white cabbage and Brussels sprouts, as well as broccoli. It is not recommended to mix the medicine with hibiscus tea.

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Author: alex

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