Bananas, kefir and other products are deadly in combination with paracetamol
many perceive paracetamol as an accessible and relatively safe remedy against temperature and headache. However, in combination with some products, drugs become deadly.
You can buy paracetamol without a prescription, it is considered safe if you do not exceed the recommended dose. With prolonged intake of pills, there is a risk of internal bleeding. It means alcohol capable of increasing the likelihood of death if you drink paracetamol.
This combination leads to damage to the liver. Doctors resemble and that ethanol in their composition also have bananas, especially if they overripe, pickles, kefir, kvass and kumis. in joints or swelling. Vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite should be alert, when combining several manifestations, it is better to consult a doctor. The tablets with caution should also be used by those who already have liver problems. These are, for example, vegetables from the cruciferous family, including white cabbage and Brussels sprouts, as well as broccoli. Mixing medicines is not recommended with hibiscus tea.
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