Basic recommendations that will help you distinguish fake coffee from real coffee
There is a risk of counterfeiting in almost any category of goods. Coffee is no exception in these matters. After all, low-quality coffee material or ingredients that are completely unrelated to coffee production can be used to produce counterfeit coffee. These include chicory, beans, and much more.
If you have already made a purchase, it is very easy to distinguish such coffee from the real thing, because you will feel foreign tastes and smells. Most often, instant coffee is adulterated in the production of instant coffee, because it is considered one of the most common due to the speed of preparation. Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers use additional flavorings to enhance the taste and smell.
Several main characteristics of low-quality coffee
Such coffee will definitely not have enough caffeine. In most cases, it is introduced using chemicals. Its content can be very high or very low. Sometimes, at the final stage, pharmacy caffeine tablets are added to the coffee, which are very harmful not only to the state of the nervous system, but also to the digestive organs, heart, and so on.
Similar manipulations are also carried out with ground coffee, cheaper varieties are purchased, chicory is added. Such coffee only has the name of this drink, but it will not be possible to prepare aromatic and truly delicious coffee.
What should you pay attention to when buying coffee?
We have highlighted several main characteristics that should be considered when buying coffee:
- Cost, because really high-quality and good coffee will definitely not be cheap.
- Packaging is also of great importance. A good drink will be packaged in high-quality, expensive packaging. Most often, counterfeit coffee is sold in transparent plastic cans.
- If coffee is purchased in an iron can, the marking should be applied to the can itself, and not just on the label.
- You should pay attention to the name of the coffee, as well as the design of the packaging. It often happens that fake manufacturers offer coffee with a name that is almost identical to a well-known coffee brand.
- Some manufacturers offer coffee in foil bags that have a valve. This is a great indicator, because in this way the customer can independently check how high-quality the drink will be.
- Good coffee is always sold in a sealed vacuum container with the air removed. If air is felt, this is a reason to doubt the purchase of such coffee.
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