Be smarter: 5 simple ways to “wake up” your brain from early morning


meditation affects the almond -shaped body that is responsible for interaction with negative emotions and is responsible for fear or stress, including a decrease in cognitive abilities. Meditation helps to overcome the effects of stress, returning our brain to the ability to memorize, absorb and process new information. So start with five -minute meditation is a great support for your brain.

ListenOne of the studies has put into circulation the term “Mozart's effect”, which describes the influence of classical music on human cognitive abilities. In particular, the subjects who listened to the music of the great Austrian composer later demonstrated higher ability to think. And research by experts from the University of Illinois showed that listening to music increases labor productivity by at least 6%. So listening to a little classical music before your work day is a great idea. And small tasks or games related to learning new information are the best solution. On the way to work, you can entertain by making short words from longer, or coming up with non -standard options for using the usual things or simply solving a crossword – all this will not only “start” your brain, but also help him stay in a working and active state for longer.


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Author: alex

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