Beans with rice: another lean dish
Diversify your menu during Lent by preparing this hearty dish. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that beans are the second meat.
Boil 0.5 kg of beans or use 1 liter of ready-made ones from the store. Cook loose rice with 1 cup of rice and two cups of water. Be sure to wash the rice before cooking, then it will not stick together. In an enameled bowl, carefully mix beans, rice, 250 g of tomato sauce, salt, and 2 tbsp. l. oil Fry 2 onions until golden. This was preparatory work.
Now let's start cooking directly. Pour a little oil on the bottom of a baking dish or goose dish, put beans and rice, sprinkle with Korean carrots, and instead of them, put fried onions. Drizzle with ketchup, sprinkle with green onions and put in a cold oven to warm up with the dish. Bake for half an hour.
Tastes hot and cold.
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