Benefit or harm: should you mix coffee with alcohol?

Coffee allows you to lift your mood and get a charge of vitality, and alcohol allows many people to relax. It seems to be the perfect combination to help find those desired feelings that many people strive for. But is it really. What is the effect of combining coffee and alcohol? Let's talk further.

There is an opinion that coffee reduces the effect of alcohol, so a person does not experience intoxication. And when drinking alcohol, it supposedly sobers up quickly. Scientists call it a myth, nothing more. They noticed that mixing coffee and alcohol does more harm than good.

If you drink coffee half an hour before the party, nothing terrible will happen. An invigorating drink will help reduce the harmful effects of ethanol, the production of special components in the liver will start, which will quickly break down alcohol. The most useful is coffee with cream, which envelops the walls of the digestive tract. Ethanol will not be so actively absorbed through the walls of the intestines and stomach.

But mixing coffee with alcohol at the same time, the same coffee in the Irish style, is completely harmful to the body. Drinks affect organs in different ways. Yes, coffee has a stimulating effect, increases pressure and narrows blood vessels, while alcohol calms the nervous system, relaxes, lowers pressure and dilates blood vessels.

When two opposite actions begin on the body, it feels a serious overload. The nervous system, blood vessels, and heart experience a negative impact.

Coffee after alcohol will not help to sober up, but will only worsen the situation. The feeling that you are sober is deceptive, so many make mistakes. Sometimes quite serious, including getting behind the wheel and can get into an accident. Against the background of drinking coffee after alcohol, various side effects are possible: hypertension, hypotension, the development of gastritis, ulcers, arrhythmias, sudden rapid pulse, and others. The load on the heart becomes enormous, which can cause problems with the cardiovascular system in the future. Heart attack and stroke are the most frequent consequences.

But the most dangerous combination is coffee + cigarettes + alcohol. Nicotine increases heart contractions, arrhythmia, blood vessels expand after narrowing. Rupture of a weakened wall – most often occurs against the background of the use of the three items listed above. Disturbances in the work of the digestive tract are also possible.

Therefore, one should be careful in taking coffee and alcohol at the same time. It is better to generally avoid drinks that have such a harmful effect. And now we are at least talking about alcohol. As a maximum – about the excessive use of caffeinated drinks.

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Author: alex

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