Benefits of black currant

Blackcurrants are not only tasty, but also useful. This popular berry is rich in vitamin C and other substances that can have a positive effect on health. What effect does it have on the body?

Protects against spikes in blood sugar

Black currants contain anthocyanins. They, in turn, are able to reduce insulin resistance and thereby protect against sudden spikes in blood sugar. This is indicated by the results of a study published in the scientific journal Nutrients and conducted by a group of Indian scientists under the leadership of Tarun Belwal from the Institute of Environment and Development of the Himalayas. G. B. Pant (G. B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment).

Reduces inflammation in obesity

Blackcurrant extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, says research by scientists Eugene Lee (Yoojin Lee) and Ji-Young Lee (Ji-Young Lee), presented in Nutrients. Factors have been found to reduce the negative effects associated with obesity. And this, at least, is what is necessary for good health and longevity.

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Author: alex

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