Black tea can be effective to reduce sugar
Investigation has shown that the use of black tea can give a significant decrease in blood. Type 2 has to fight high blood sugar, and keeping certain eating habits is one of the key ways to achieve remission. In the diet, certain foods and drinks containing components that counteract jumps caused by food are present. Its participants in men and women between the ages of 20 and 60 who have no health problems and are prone to this disorder, which means that blood sugar is increased, although diabetes is not yet. Volunteers took blood samples with different intervals of time. The effect of reducing sugar has been recorded within 60 minutes after taking black tea. One of the most effective ways to control blood sugar is to eat nutrition, taking into account the glycemic index (GI) of products. The GI shows at what speed glucose enters the blood after eating or calories. In the diet should be preferred products having a low glycemic index.
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