Bloating: 5 foods to cut back on (and when to see a doctor)

If you experience persistent bloating, it may be caused by digestive or dietary issues. There are a few foods you may need to cut back on because they cause bloating.

The NHS says people should make sure they eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, although there are some that should be avoided.

These include beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

“Try not to swallow too many air” during meals. This means that you should not talk and eat at the same time, and you should always sit down to eat. Cut down on carbonated drinks and stop chewing gum.”

Food intolerances can also lead to bloating, the most common of which are caused by problems with wheat, gluten and dairy products.

National the health service recommends that if you have a food intolerance, it is best to eat less of the problem food or avoid it altogether.

“Keep a food diary for several weeks, noting everything you eat and drink , and when bloating bothers you the most. But don't get rid of food groups for a long time without the advice of a therapist,” he adds.

If the symptoms of bloating persist, see a therapist to rule out a more serious illness. Abdominal bloating and persistent feeling of satiety are key symptoms of ovarian cancer.

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Author: alex

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