Breakthrough or collapse: the tarot horoscope for the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus at the end of April 2024

If you've noticed your acceleration lately events, this may be due to the combination of Uranus and Jupiter, which met in the constellation of Taurus in mid-March and will stay there together until mid-May. The peak of their closeness will fall on April 20. Such an event happens once every 14 years and brings unexpected luck and great breakthroughs.

Aries: The Emperor in Reverse

You are extremely close to a radical turn of events. And this turn will be in a positive direction. However, the inverted position of this card indicates that you do not take full responsibility for the result you want. Success is on your side, especially when it comes to achieving financial freedom, but money and wealth can have a harder time finding you without proper order and structure.

Taurus: Queen of Swords

Your card hints that the whole year 2024 can be unforgettable for you. Although there have been (and continue to be) many changes in your life, try to avoid making decisions based solely on emotions. Constructive criticism and logic are vital for you to become the queen or king of your life. You are capable of giving birth to an idea that could lead to great success right now.

Gemini: The Four of Pentacles Reversed

Abundance comes in many forms, and you can experience it in intangible terms. Instead of chasing wealth, money, or possessions at this time, try to be generous with what you already have. Don't get attached to things and the universe will give you something that will truly stay with you forever. This is true spiritual wisdom.

Cancer: Justice in an upside down position

You have fallen into the field of view of karma. During this rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, you may discover that someone has not been sincere with you. This especially applies to people from your social circle or work. You will have to come to terms with this and trust the universe to release you from this bond. As soon as everything falls into place, you will feel that justice has prevailed.

Leo: Nine of Pentacles reversed

Pay attention to your finances. If you spend money recklessly, this card asks you to make more informed choices about your resources in order to avoid serious losses. Instead of taking a financial risk, be moderate and save every week. Even if you have a small amount to do it.

Virgo: Page of Pentacles

Your hard work will soon be rewarded. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, and it will be particularly favorable to your sign. Unforeseen success, expressed in the form of a bonus, a salary increase, or even a significant return on past investments, may well be in your future. Or a brilliant idea can suddenly come to you when you least expect it.

Libra: Page of Swords reversed

Look for grounding. Your card says it's time to let go of fruitless thoughts and pay attention to the body. If you have been thinking too much or overanalyzing a person or situation, you could fall victim to your own impulses and act rashly, guided by false information or even just gossip. Try to spend more time alone now to better hear yourself and avoid misleading vibrations.

Scorpio: Page of Cups

Your strategy for making a big breakthrough is a combination of intellect and emotion. Intuition leads you to an idea, but it also prompts you to better study and explore what the current moment brings you. Formulate all the questions that bother you and explore what life is giving you right now. Dig deeper. After all, it's your superpower that can take you to new heights.

Sagittarius: The Empress in Reverse

Powerful Jupiter is your planet, and its meeting with Uranus can be a very instructive moment for you. A groundbreaking new beginning awaits you, but to take full advantage of this opportunity, you must first reconnect with a sincere and deep sense of gratitude for what you already have. Look around you and notice the beauty around you, then watch yourself attract more of it.

Capricorn: The Sun

Dare to shine as if the whole universe belongs to you. Abundance and success are the result of your enormous efforts. Share your light and set a personal example – bring magic into other people's lives. You are a true leader, and the way you inspire others leads to breakthrough moments and brilliant ideas. So you can rightfully claim your place in the spotlight.

Aquarius: Five of Swords

What is more important to you, mutual progress or victory? This card warns you that if you are involved in some sort of competition, the nervous energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction may work against you. Alternatively, you may be looking for a solution to a puzzling question or situation. The answer you are looking for lies in achieving deep states through meditation. There you will see what the path will tell you.

Pisces: Five of Wands

You are a lover, not a fighter. But this card calls you to healthy competition and/or dialogue. Collaborating and sharing ideas with those who think differently is sure to ignite your inner fire and maybe even lead to unexpected expansion. New places, people and ideas are your door to insight and transition to a completely new level.

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Author: alex

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