Brisk walking is an effective prevention of dementia in the elderly

Scientists from the University of Texas in the USA found out the benefits of brisk walking for the prevention of dementia in the elderly. They need to move more, physical exercises train not only the body, but also the brain.

The study was conducted with the participation of 70 men and women aged 57 to 70 years. Specialists divided the volunteers into two groups, while some were engaged in brisk walking, others in stretching.

During the observations, the scientists compared the health indicators of the volunteers. They found that people who walked briskly every day had significantly improved cognitive and motor skills.

Activity in old age, including physical education, significantly slows down the process of senile dementia.

Along with this extremely important issue is the nutrition of the elderly. It is recommended to include vegetables, fruits, berries, olive oil, herbs and fish from the northern seas in the daily diet. Preference should be given to the Mediterranean diet, as it is considered the most useful.

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Author: alex

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