British scientists have found a way out of premature death

It has been proven that lethality depends on the intensity of energy expenditure.

The benefits of physical activity for health have been known for a long time, but scientists from the University of Cambridge in Great Britain have proven that serious loads allow you to avoid premature death. The article, which is called a simple way to maintain health.

In a large-scale study, 96,000 people participated, whose data is stored in the British biobank. In order to determine whether moderate or high-intensity exercise helps reduce the risk of premature death, volunteers were made to wear a tracker that monitors physical activity.

During the experiment, which lasted more than three years, energy expenditure was calculated ( PAEE) and compared it with human well-being. The conclusions made by scientists indicate that a person needs daily physical activity. 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (brisk walking) or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise (running) per week should be given.

In the study participants, the average PAEE was 40 kJ/kg/day, one third of which was moderate activity intensity During the observation period, 732 people died. At the same time, an increase in energy expenditure of any intensity had a positive effect on reducing the risk of death.

Previously, it has been proven that moderate and high-intensity activity brings more health benefits than light activity. At the same time, no direct relationship has been established whether it makes a large contribution or provides additional benefit.

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Author: alex

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