British scientists talked about the longevity menu

Experts are convinced that certain foods contribute to prolonging life because they help to avoid many serious health problems.

British nutritionists told the Express that changing the diet is an effective way life extension According to studies, at least one-third of longevity depends on lifestyle – nutrition, bad habits, physical activity.

Doctors have named the products that most effectively help in the prevention of serious diseases, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease. diseases that are one of the common causes of premature death.

Fruits, nuts, and natural yogurt should be regular guests on the table of those who plan to live a long time. Fish, seafood, and whole grains should be included in the menu at least twice a week. These products, according to research, best contribute to the prevention of various diseases. In addition, they will not contribute to the development of obesity.

Green tea and bitter chocolate will also help to prolong youth, thanks to the high content of antioxidants. Flax seeds, avocado, olive oil and fish oil will help to keep the level of bad cholesterol under control, as they contain healthy fatty acids.

As noted by experts, even the most ideal diet in terms of nutrient and calorie content will not bring the desired result if there is no physical activity in your life. The necessary daily minimum is 30 minutes of walking.

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Author: alex

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