Budget beet salad in 5 minutes – simple but delicious
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beet is a huge source of vitamins for our body. In this case, beet dishes are very tasty. We suggest to prepare a very simple and fast salad, which will taste probably many. Literally 5 minutes to mix ingredients and delicious dishes are ready. Beets for this salad should be cooked in advance-boil, and it is better to bake in the oven. (450 gr)
boil, bake or cook in a microwave. Next, rub it on a grater. Salt cucumber is also rubbed on a grater. The oil on which the onion is fried is added partially. It will be a salad dressing.
add cucumber, crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Mix the salad well.
Ready salad Transfer the salad. You can additionally fill with mayonnaise (if you like) and add grated cheese, but in this form it is very tasty!
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