Cabinet with secret: a man found a hidden room hidden by previous owners


now to use the storage room. entry.

The man made an unexpected find in his home. During cleaning in the wardrobe, he found a hidden room behind the cabinet and now reflects on how best to equip it. Express writes about it.

The homeowner shared his story in the popular Reddit social network. He asked the subscribers.

As it turned out, there was an old wooden floor inside, and the room itself was a small room with a sloping roof. According to the author of the post, the former owners tried to hide the entrance using a mirror without a frame and even a pillow. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Shafa-Iz-Sekretom-Cholovik-VIIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIC-PRIHOVANE-PRIMISHHENNNNNNJA-ZOVANE-POPEPEREDNIMIIA-VLAZI5BLAZI5BLAZHIA-VLAZNIAIA-VLACDNIVNIASH. The man found a hidden premises hidden by previous owners ” />

The story caused a rapid discussion on the network. Some users suggested turning the room into a cozy storage with sockets, backlighting and secret doors. Others have talked about creating a “safe room”-a place where you can retire or even wait for electricity switching off. tips.

“Thank you! I was not sure that I could expand the entrance, but now it seems possible,” he added.

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Author: alex

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