Can cause cancer: a list of the most dangerous preservatives with the letter “E”

Ready soup, alcoholic cocktail, barbecue sauce – these products can be found in almost every kitchen. And they have one thing in common: numbers with the letter “E” are listed in the list of ingredients. German consumer protection expert Lisa Kleine says the numbers are being used to hide unhealthy supplements.

The list of ingredients for many products is long. This is especially relevant for finished products. However, some names and terms in the list are difficult for consumers to understand. This is when caution should be exercised.

Azo dyes are suspected of being carcinogenic

As an example among the so-called azo dyes (all E numbers with a unit in front) Krell mentions quinoline yellow labeled E104 as doubtful. The yellow dye is banned in the US because it is suspected to be carcinogenic. In addition, it should cause allergies and reduce the activity and attention of children.

Other dyes that are not recommended in the consumer advisory center are E102, E110, E122, E123, E124a, E127, E129, E142 and E155.

Preservatives are hidden behind the E numbers two in front. The Consumer Advisory Center evaluates the substances E284 (boric acid) and E285 (sodium tetraborate, boric acid) as negative.

What does the letter E mean?

Antioxidants and acidifiers are also hidden behind E numbers (all E numbers with a triple in front). In this category, the advisory center only gives a particularly poor rating once, namely the additive E385. Daniela Krell explains: “The problem with this supplement is that it can bind minerals, that is, calcium, magnesium, which is important for our body.”

These substances will no longer be available to our body.


All E numbers with four at the beginning indicate thickeners and humectants. In this category, E425 (konjac) received a particularly critical assessment from the Consumer Advice Center, as it interferes with the absorption of important nutrients.

Among the acidulants and Co. recommends using E512, as at high concentrations it can cause a metallic aftertaste, nausea and vomiting. E numbers with a nine in front belong to the category of sweeteners. You should be careful with e999, a concentrate made from the bark of the Quillaja tree. Also E1520, solvent and preservative.

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Author: alex

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