Can sphagnum be replaced with regular moss?
Among flower growers, you can often hear about sphagnum. It is used to fill pots when growing plants, when creating soil substrates. Orchids like to grow in sphagnum. It is ideal for germinating cuttings, leaves, seeds.
Can it be replaced with ordinary moss
This is the main question that interests many people. Who is just starting their journey in floriculture or simply has no experience in its use. Sphagnum belongs to mosses, but it is different.
The most important thing that distinguishes sphagnum is the presence of phenol in its composition. It is a natural antiseptic. It is this feature that makes it possible to effectively germinate plants in it. They do not rot in it.
On flower growers' forums, you can sometimes read about questions about mosses. People look for similar varieties in the forest, but as a result, midges appear from them, and the effect of use is different. Moss from the forest is coarser in structure. Sphagnum is softer. Therefore, for use in floriculture, it is better to buy it and have complete peace of mind.
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