Can you eat cheese if you have high cholesterol?

High cholesterol can be attributed to a diet full of saturated fats, which found in whole milk products such as cheese. If you're worried you might have heart failure or a stroke, should you eat cheese?

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) said that 'you don't have to cut cheese out of your diet', but it's better to eat it “economically”. Some cheeses contain varying amounts of saturated fat. Do you know which cheeses are better and worse if you have high cholesterol? The cheeses with the lowest content of saturated fat (per 100 g) include:

  • Fat-free cheese (1 g)
  • Cheese (2 g)
  • Ricotta (5 g)

When it comes to saturated fat, the cheeses that do the most damage include:

  • Mascarpone (29 g)
  • < li>Cheddar, Double Gloucester and other hard cheeses (22 g)

  • Parmesan (19 g)

Brie, paneer and soft goat cheese contain 18 g saturated of fat per 100g.

Edam contains 16g of saturated fat, while Camembert, feta and mozzarella contain 14g of saturated fat per 100g.

Cheese can also contain high amounts salt, which raises blood pressure, further increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The BHF added:

“Low fat doesn't necessarily mean no cholesterol, it just means which is 25 percent less fat than the original. Check the label to see if the fat content is high (greater than 17.5g/100g), medium (3.1-17.5g/100g) or low (3g or less/100g).

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Author: alex

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