Can you put a microwave oven on top of a refrigerator?
Large kitchens can mostly be found only in new buildings. Sometimes the area of the room is so small that the residents of the apartment are forced to save space in various ways. One of the most popular options is to install a microwave oven on top of a refrigerator. However, many housewives do not dare to take this step: they remember that there must be a certain distance between kitchen appliances. However, both supporters of installing a microwave oven on a refrigerator and those who always consider this action dangerous are mistaken.
The fact is that in some cases a microwave oven can be safely placed on a refrigerator, and in other situations you can't do that. The decision depends on a number of factors, starting from the dimensions of the devices and ending with the use of additional devices.
What to check
The first thing that the owner of household appliances should make sure is the small height of the refrigerator.
If the device is too high, then there will be less than 20 centimeters from the microwave placed on it to the ceiling, and this cannot be allowed.
The second important factor is the presence of a gap between the microwave oven and the surface of the refrigerator . If there is no gap, the microwave oven will overheat during operation and will eventually fail.
The third nuance is that there should be thermal insulation between the microwave oven and the refrigerator.
And one more thing. circumstance: if you use the microwave oven too often and for a long time (several hours), then the refrigerator has nothing to do with it. But if the microwave oven works only a few minutes a day, then finding the device on the refrigerator will not lead to unpleasant consequences.
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