Cancer: This symptom is observed in 23% of all patients before diagnosis


Early detection of cancer is the key to its eradication and improving survival results. Unfortunately, knowledge of warning signs remains extremely insufficient. Recent campaigns have focused on groups of symptoms (such as abdominal symptoms) rather than some alarming symptoms associated with specific cancer foci. as they were diagnosed with one of 27 common and more rare cancers.

national The health service explains:

“Abdominal symptoms are commonplace in cancer patients, and time depends on the symptom before manifestation. The need for information campaigns may be higher for symptoms associated with longer intervals with help. ” Blood in a chair

  • diarrhea or constipation for no obvious reason
  • Feeling incomplete bowel emptying after visit toilet
  • abdominal pain or anus (anus)
  • How to answer

    “Although it is unlikely to To be cancer, it is important to talk to a therapist to diagnose. ” The risk of cancer is higher in people with obesity, compared to those who have a healthy BMI. Try to maintain healthy weight while conducting physical activity and keeping a healthy balanced diet.

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    Author: alex

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