Can't distinguish these 5 odors? Maybe you start dementia


one of the early signs of an advancing age dementia is a worsening smell.

The most famous early symptom of age -old dementia is forgetfulness. But there is another, less “unwind” early sign – the inability to distinguish some odors. Scientists managed to determine the ability to recognize which fragrances are first lost when dementia.

In a study, which was published in the journal of the American Society of Geriatric, 3000 volunteers between the ages of 57 and 85 participated. As part of the experiment, they were asked to sniff special markers of different scents and identify each of them. The aromas of mint, fish, orange, roses and skin were offered before recognition.However, about 14 percent of only three out of five, five percent, could only name two odors, and two percent named one. One percent of the participants could not identify any of the aromas.

five years later, the research group checked the health status of participants. As a result, almost all the subjects who failed to call any odor were diagnosed with dementia. And nearly 80 percent of those who could identify only one or two aromas also suffered from dementia.

“These results show that the sense of smell is closely related to the functioning and health Research, Jiand M. Pinto, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Surgery at the University of Chicago and a specialist in ENT. – “We think that smell, in particular, but also sensory function in a broader sense, can be an important early feature that indicates people with a high risk of dementia.” The smell, including the olfactory bulb and entorinal crust, often the first to suffer from Alzheimer's dementia and disease. According to experts, with the development of the disease, the ability to smell continues to deteriorate.

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Author: alex

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