Cardiologist named 6 signs that a person needs to check the heart


heart disease leads to every third death in the world, and the most possible part of them. What signs can say that a person's heart needs?

sternum pain. If earlier a person was easy to walk on the stairs, but suddenly began to feel unpleasant – it is an alarming call. Pain or feeling of compression, squeezing when walking can be a symptom of angina or breast frog.

shortness of breath and fatigue. If the same distance is difficult to give a person, it begins to stop to “translate the spirit”, and it has shortness of breath at a little and previously habitual exercise, you should definitely consult a cardiologist and check the heart. Such shortness of breath can be a signal of many diseases, including angina and heart failure.

leg edema. When the heart stops coping with load, heart failure develops, which also manifests in the form of edema, above all, on the legs. If in the evening there is a trace of a gum of socks on the feet, it can be regarded as a clear sign of edema, and this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

orthope. Do not be calm of this change, check the heart.

increased pressure. many people measure pressure on their own, but with good well -being do not pay attention to increased values, considering them their working pressure. ” Art. Even in the absence of complaints, it is a reason to seek the examination, ”the cardiologist stated.

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Author: alex

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