Cardiologist named the non-obvious signs of a sick heart
When heart disease develops, the initial signs may not be obvious, which is why people skip the necessary examination.
Those small signals that the body gives in the case of a sick heart are often ignored. This allows heart disease to progress until one day a more complex problem arises, which could have been avoided if the warning signs had been noticed in time.
British cardiologist Amit Bahai said in an interview that the signs of a sick heart are non-specific and non-obvious. According to the doctor, one of the signals that the heart is losing its shape is fatigue or shortness of breath that occurs quickly – a person feels them with minor physical exertion.
“An adult with a healthy heart should be able to climb two flights of stairs on foot without getting out of breath. “The inability to do this may indicate coronary heart disease, heart valve problems, or arrhythmia,” the cardiologist said.
Dr. Amit Bahai also advised paying attention to such phenomena that may be non-obvious signs of a sick heart.
- Dizziness when standing up quickly.
- Discomfort when trying to bend over.
- A feeling of tightness, squeezing in the chest.
- Pain that occurs in the neck or upper left arm.
- Inability to easily get up from a sitting position.
- Swollen legs (especially ankles and feet).
The cardiologist urged people to monitor their heart condition more closely. He emphasized that today the heart muscle of many people may be affected due to the coronavirus.
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