Cardiologists have listed five daily habits that help avoid heart problems
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the most common. They are the leading cause of death in the world. Cardiologists talked about five daily habits that help avoid heart problems and prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Most experts are sure that heart and joint diseases occur against the background of wrong lifestyle and bad habits. It is important to follow five things every day that contribute to improving well-being.
Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels
First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to blood pressure and cholesterol. With their high levels, the risk of heart disease increases, which can lead to stroke and heart attack. It is important to monitor these indicators and prevent complications.
Do physical activity
A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease. Scientists conducted an experiment during which they found out that sitting for a long time provokes chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cancer. It is recommended to make lifestyle changes by consistently and regularly engaging in physical activity.
Follow a heart-healthy diet
Cardiologists do not recommend consuming products with a high content of trans fats. They increase the risk of heart disease. There are many of them in the so-called “harmful” food, in particular, this applies to sauces, croutons and chips, fast food and pastries. The diet can be enriched with fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grain products, fiber. You should also not worry about the norm of water consumption per day – for an adult, it is at least 1.5 – 2 liters.
Watch your weight
When losing weight a “belly” and full arms may be present, but it is important that there is no excess weight. This can be explained by the fact that the risk of heart and vascular diseases increases in this way. To calculate the body mass index (BMI), the height in meters is squared, after which the weight in kilograms is divided by it. For adults, the norm is 18.5-24.9, overweight with indicators of 25-29.9, and more than 30 indicates obesity.
Exclude bad habits and minimize stress< /h2>
It is recommended to give up bad habits. When abusing alcoholic beverages and smoking, blood pressure and triglyceride levels increase. Thus, a person is more prone to stroke and heart disease. Strong stress should be avoided. To improve well-being, yoga or meditative practices are suitable.
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