0 The impact of strong lighting provides protection against some heart disease. There are other ways to achieve this effect without the...
Category: HEALTH
The nutritionist revealed the secret of a perfect and flat belly
0 pumping the press, a person strengthens the muscles and makes They are stronger, but it will not help the belly to become flat. To do...
Doctors gave useful advice to future parents
Named ways to reduce the negative impact of TB on the brain
0 Houston Methodist Hospital Neurologist Randall Wright told what measures can help reduce the negative impact of TV on the brain. One way...
The doctor named simple foods to support the body in winter
0 These simple foods effectively support in winter The body that needs more energy to warm the body is told by Indian diettologist Parvati...
Doctors called signs of infection by the body parasites
Uncontrolled vitamin intake can provoke oncology
Calcium sources to be included in the diet
Doctors told about the effects of snacks at night and late dinner
Named useful product that accelerates the development of dementia
0 This popular product is useful for health. It has a lot of omega-3, a substance that plays an important role in the development and work...
5 best products for the nervous system
What foods will slow down the aging process, nutritionists told
0 Although the process of aging is inevitable and it is impossible to stop it, it is impossible, There are some habits in nutrition and...