Category: HEALTH
5 products that make us smarter, more resourceful and more efficient
1 and eat - to take and do! Incredibly, the fact is that delicious and healthy food can be not only a reward for those who have done...
Named diet that helps overcome cancer
1 In the prevention of cancer treatment can help consumption of vegetables and fruits. such nutrition helps to increase the...
Time ago! 6 habits that really rejuvenate our body
6 cases when you need to drink water
0 It is well known that water is needed, drinking water, drinking water, drinking water. But it is also important when it is done....
6 longevity habits to adopt in middle age
1 Scientists have named habits that help you become a long-liver. Plan in advance.A study conducted in the United States showed that people...
6 fruits that help with arthritis
0 Consuming these fruits protects against exacerbations of arthritis, British experts note. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that occurs...
Unpleasant symptoms that indicate a vitamin E deficiency
1 How to determine that the body lacks vitamin E, in which products to look for it and how much you need to eat per day. Vitamin E ensures good...
Named drink, one cup of which reduces the risk of liver cancer by 20%
0 Liver cancer is a common disease, and there are many reasons for its development. Some of the risk factors can be mitigated. And while the...
Doctors explained how to determine high blood pressure without a blood pressure monitor
1 High blood pressure can lead to life-threatening hypertension, doctors say. However, sometimes it is not possible to measure it. Experts...
Acne makes people smarter
0 Youthful acne leads to future success. This is the conclusion reached by American scientists from Emory and Ball State universities. Since...
Quail or chicken eggs? Which eggs are healthier?
0 Quail eggs are rich in magnesium, they almost do not cause allergies and are resistant to infections. It is generally accepted that quail...