0 Some foods can have a significant effect on libido, others, on the contrary, increase it. Specialists have drawn attention to this. Libido...
Category: HEALTH
3 non-obvious ways to live longer
0 Not all healthy lifestyle tips that will help you live longer are associated exclusively with proper nutrition, physical activity and...
Foods that can lead to blocked blood flow to the eye and dead optic nerves
1 Vision loss has many causes, many of which can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle. However, sometimes excessive consumption of the...
Doctors named the signs of blood cancer
0 Symptoms of blood cancer are very rarely manifested in such a way that a person can notice them, and sometimes do not appear at all....
4 products for the health of the heart and blood vessels
0 Increased level of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) , which are often called \"bad\" cholesterol, negatively affects the state of the...
Heart, brain and psyche: who is good for coffee and who is not
Does coffee harm the heart, but does it help the brain? Science disagrees. However, positive studies are becoming more common. For whom...
A simple habit can protect against diabetes
0 Maintaining health, especially in adulthood, requires a comprehensive approach, one of the important elements of which is physical activity....
The common causes of fatigue after waking up in the morning are named
0 Why fatigue can be felt even if Did the person sleep enough at night? The reasons may be a lack of activity, anxiety, etc. Fatigue felt after...
A white coating on the tongue can be a sign of dangerous disorders in the body
0 The appearance of a white coating on the tongue can be explained by a fungal infection or disorders in the functioning of the...
Black rowan reduces the growth of cancer cells by 60 percent within 24 hours
0 Cancer is a fast-growing disease, but adding superfoods to your diet can help suppress tumor growth. One study found that one berry that...
Thousands of people live with undiagnosed dementia – a neurologist named the early signs
3 Dementia is a collection of neurodegenerative conditions affecting the brain. Currently incurable and with very few treatments, this disease...
5 common myths about diabetes
1 The endocrinologist debunked five popular myths about diabetes . If you think that after being diagnosed with diabetes, you will have to say...