0 Significant weight loss in diabetes helps to effectively control blood pressure and reduce the consumption of pressure-lowering drugs....
Category: HEALTH
Scientists have named a popular product that reduces mental health problems
0 Teenagers with more people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood are less likely to experience psychosis in adulthood. This...
A product has been identified that accelerates the fat burning process
0 Experts note that there are many products that increase the rate of fat burning by the body. However, only one of the most effective can be...
Experts presented 9 products to improve memory
0 Professional experts presented the top of the best products that contribute to the improvement memory The list included 9 items. Olive oil...
Named the most useful cereal
0 About 40% of the diet should be made up of cereals, experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) believe. They include complex...
Three main products for longevity were chosen by a nutritionist from England
0 If you want the maximum increase your chances of a long and healthy life, three key foods can help you. Federica Amati, a nutritionist from...
A nutritionist spoke about the dangers of “yesterday's” pasta
0 Pasta is a popular dish among Ukrainians. A doctor of medical sciences, a nutritionist told in which case they can harm health. In an...
Symptoms of skin cancer: six warning signs on the legs
0 Skin cancer on the legs often spreads before he is noticed. It is also usually the most serious type of skin cancer known as melanoma. Foot...
Symptoms of kidney cancer were named by doctors
0 Kidney cancer is a disease in which kidney cells become malignant (cancerous) and grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. Almost all kidney...
Named diseases that are transmitted through kissing
0 A kiss is considered a full-fledged exchange of biological materials, so in some cases through it can be infected with dangerous diseases,...
Baking Soda: When Can It Be Good for Your Health?
0 Common cheap baking soda can help get rid of bad breath, and also improve the work of the digestive system. Diligent housewives will surely...
The blood group with the weakest immunity is determined
0 A group of international researchers conducted a series of experiments to find out which blood group provides its carriers with the most...