0 The nutritionist told which products are suitable as a substitute for meat. The specialist offered to pay attention to vegetable and...
Category: HEALTH
Drink and not get drunk: 4 reasons for changing the body's resistance to alcohol
0 Tolerance or sensitivity to alcohol is a condition in which a person needs more alcohol each time to achieve intoxication. This quality is...
A Japanese doctor has discovered a way to avoid premature aging
0 The feeling of aging at a young age indicates a lack of the necessary physical load. According to the Japanese professor Hiroshi Hiraizumi,...
The nutritionist talked about the benefits of eating two apples a day for the heart and immunity
0 Nutritionist Kelly Kennedy said that eating two apples a day can protect a person from heart and immune problems. According to the expert,...
A sensation in the legs that indicates diabetes or multiple sclerosis
0 According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, numbness of the face, body, or extremities (hands and feet) is one of the most common...
What are the dangers of running on asphalt: the dangerous consequences are named
0 Running is an excellent form of aerobic exercises It helps to improve the general condition, prevent the development of cardiovascular...
Scientists have identified the worst bread for health
Vitamin B3 deficiency: signs that can be seen on the skin
0 Vitamin B3 , or niacin, is one of the eight B vitamins. It helps convert food into energy, helps the body absorb proteins and fats, and...
Lycopene in vegetables and fruits helps prevent stomach ulcers
0 Helicobacter pylori - conditionally - the pathogenic microorganism is considered the most successful \"colonizer\" of the human...
Doctors talked about six signs that indicate the early stage of Parkinson's disease
0 Doctors have said that there are six early signs, according to which you can recognize the approach of Parkinson's disease. According to...
What foods should be avoided with type 2 diabetes, doctors said
0 Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) develops gradually. The first recommendation given by doctors for such a disease is to reduce sugar...
Runny nose, swelling, increased heart rate: how to distinguish alcohol intolerance from a hangover
A hangover is a natural reaction of the body to excessive alcohol consumption. However, people often mistakenly confuse it with alcohol...