0 Running is an excellent form of aerobic exercises It helps to improve the general condition, prevent the development of cardiovascular...
Category: HEALTH
Scientists have identified the worst bread for health
Vitamin B3 deficiency: signs that can be seen on the skin
0 Vitamin B3 , or niacin, is one of the eight B vitamins. It helps convert food into energy, helps the body absorb proteins and fats, and...
Lycopene in vegetables and fruits helps prevent stomach ulcers
0 Helicobacter pylori - conditionally - the pathogenic microorganism is considered the most successful \"colonizer\" of the human...
Doctors talked about six signs that indicate the early stage of Parkinson's disease
0 Doctors have said that there are six early signs, according to which you can recognize the approach of Parkinson's disease. According to...
What foods should be avoided with type 2 diabetes, doctors said
0 Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) develops gradually. The first recommendation given by doctors for such a disease is to reduce sugar...
Runny nose, swelling, increased heart rate: how to distinguish alcohol intolerance from a hangover
A hangover is a natural reaction of the body to excessive alcohol consumption. However, people often mistakenly confuse it with alcohol...
Nutritionists listed the pros and cons of eating olives
0 The unusual taste of olive tree berries was appreciated even in ancient times, but now it is used only in cooking. According to...
American nutritionists named the most dangerous method of cooking eggs
0 \"In the past, eggs could have a bad reputation for cholesterol levels, but now we know that eating them does not increase cholesterol, as was...
Named products that are rich in probiotics
0 Probiotics, i.e. beneficial bacteria for digestion, help to improve overall health a person There are some products that can balance the...
Scientists have told how diseases of the oral cavity can lead to a heart attack
0 Heart attacks happen when an artery that supplies the heart with blood and oxygen is blocked. Usually this happens due to the accumulation of...