0 The microwave is one of the most convenient inventions for modern life. Her fast pace prompts her to save time on everything, even reheating...
Category: HEALTH
The endocrinologist named the worst time for training
0 Many people prefer to train on an empty stomach, as in this case exercises are supposedly more effective. This popular opinion was refuted by...
Experts have listed the products of the Mediterranean diet that promote weight loss
0 Experts listed the products that are included part of the Mediterranean diet and contribute to weight loss. The advantage of such a diet is...
Named an inexpensive vegetable that can help preserve youth
0 Beets have been called a vegetable that can promote healthy aging of the body. It contains a lot of iron, fiber and folic acid. As stated in...
Why is it necessary to sleep covered?
0 Sleep at night with at least a sheet, the doctor warned. In the therapist's interview, the opinion was expressed that during night sleep,...
Named products that can help to get pregnant faster
0 Specialists presented five categories of products, availability which are necessary in the menu of women who want to get pregnant. It is...
The key to longevity was found in a popular breakfast product
0 It became known that happens to the body with regular use of the product, which has recently become a popular supplement to a healthy diet....
Basic foods to eat every day for good health
0 Scientists proved a long time ago that a person's health and well-being depend on his diet. It became known what foods should be eaten...
Expert: three mistakes during breakfast spoil health and figure
Many people make these three mistakes during breakfast, spoiling their health and figure, says Australian nutrition expert Susie Burrell....
Frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables helps to improve sleep
0 A new study from the University of Michigan shows that increasing fruit and vegetable consumption may help young people sleep better,...
Why can't lose weight? 4 habits can slow down metabolism
0 Do you want to lose weight, abandon habits that slow down your metabolism and prevent you from burning fat. Metabolism is a term used to...
How is broccoli good for health?
0 What belongs to the category of the most useful foods for health, broccoli belongs to of the cruciferous family along with cauliflower,...