0 More than half of the products sold with the label \"healthy\" were found to be high in fat, salt and/or sugar. The number of analyzed products...
Category: HEALTH
High blood sugar can be indicated by an unusual bad breath
0 < Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. This is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is too...
Noises in the intestines: when should you consult a doctor?
0 Experts warn that too loud noises in the intestines can reflect diseases, which secretly develops in the body. In most cases, the sounds...
A way to lower blood pressure was found in yogurt and kefir
0 High blood High blood pressure increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and increases the probability of premature death, so...
Why do some people age more slowly than others?
0 People really do differ in how fast they age, and the discrepancy begins at a young age, new research shows. By the tender age of 45, people...
10 famous foods will help improve liver health
How to spot impending brain thrombosis? The doctor names the symptoms
0 What has become a sharply defined nasolabial fold on one side of the face is one of the symptoms of an impending vascular catastrophe -...
Scientists have discovered an unusual effect of carbonated water on immunity
0 60% of the human body consists of water To maintain the fluid balance in the body, we drink every day. Someone prefers to quench their thirst...
When can vitamins harm the liver and health in general?
0 Reckless intake of vitamins can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the liver, the expert warns . The topic of lack of...
The nutritionist spoke about the body's reaction to the daily use of bananas
0 Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Cynthia Sass said that bananas are extremely useful for the human body. Every day you need to eat...
Experts have given five simple tips to reduce the risk of diabetes
0 Centers with The UK Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize prediabetes as a serious illness. This condition not only puts...
Scientists have told which cereals increase the chances of longevity
1 Researchers found that whole grain products have a positive effect on human health and longevity. Among them, they include cereals, which are...