0 Depends on the state of the cardiovascular system the body's ability to resist heart disease, which can appear with age and cause early...
Category: HEALTH
Youth stroke: researchers name the same reasons as in the elderly
The causes of a stroke at a young age are the same as at an older age. This conclusion of scientists was presented at the virtual...
Unusual side effects were found in the tea
0 When it comes to health, tea can work wonders. It has been proven that daily consumption of the drink has a beneficial effect not only on...
Scientists have established how a healthy lifestyle helps prevent cancer
0 Healthy Lifestyle helps not only strengthen the cardiovascular system, but is also a means of preventing cancer. Such results were obtained...
Scientists have decided on the most useful type of coffee
0 Despite the fact that many are still cautious to coffee, there is more and more evidence of its health benefits. According to scientists, a...
Scientists have revealed which fruits and vegetables can prolong life
0 Eating a certain amount fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of early death. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from the American...
Experts have named the differences between vitamins B6 and B12
0 People often hear about the benefits of vitamin B , which must be included in your diet. But if you go to a pharmacy, there are several types...
5 Cancer Symptoms Most People Ignore
0 Cancers are diverse and their symptoms are extremely diverse . Many people do not take potential warning signs seriously. However, early and...
Doctors named three afternoon habits that harm health
0 Three afternoon habits can harm digestion and have a negative effect on health. It is about sleep after a heavy meal, tea and physical...
Doctors named the signs that would indicate the need to clean the liver
1 In the human body the liver performs more than 500 tasks, including filtering blood and removing toxic waste. Therefore, when its work is...
Scientists have found out which juice can reduce the risk of brain injury
0 American scientists conducted a study involving 99 pregnant women to determine which juice exposure can protect the fetus from brain injuries...
A new danger of smoked salmon has been revealed
0 Initially, smoked salmon was cooked with a lot of salt and for several days or even weeks. But over time, smoking methods were improved,...