0 More than a month has already passed since the beginning of spring, which means that summer will arrive in just a few weeks. You probably...
Category: HEALTH
The doctor named the main signs of a heart attack
0 Young people aged 25-30 have recently become prone to cardiovascular diseases. Previously, this was considered possible only for older...
Who can not eat carrots? The doctor explains
0 According to the doctor, you should not eat carrots in including people suffering from liver pathologies. Liver diseases are the case when...
Here are the five most common cancer symptoms that people ignore
0 Cancer formations can have various symptoms. Most often, people do not perceive many of them as warning signs of danger. Doctors note that...
Doctors from the USA have compiled a list of foods that are prohibited for stomach aches
0 Specialists of the National Library of Medicine in the USA compiled a list of foods that are prohibited for stomach aches. Compliance with...
7 things to avoid to reduce your biological age
0 Open elastic blood vessels are extremely important for health. The worse your condition is, the worse your body is because it is no longer...
Nutritionists dispelled popular myths about healthy eating: basic tips
0 Deviations from some the \"rules\" of proper nutrition do not necessarily lead to a violation of a healthy lifestyle. This was reported by...
Doctors have warned about unusual symptoms of liver cancer
0 An unusual symptom of liver cancer can be pain in the right shoulder blades - oncologists warn. Most often, liver cancer develops for a long...
Named 5 useful products that can improve eyesight
0 There are many factors that can affect vision factors, including chronic diseases, genetics and age-related changes. However, in some cases,...
Experts recommended not to use gadgets before going to bed
0 Experts advise to spend at least half an hour. It is recommended to refrain from using any gadgets, including the TV. Sleep in a cool room...
The nutritionist named the most useful cereals for breakfast
1 Experts named which cereals are the most useful for breakfast. They recommend using oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley or wheat. As the...
Named the most useful tea for breakfast
0 Most experts in the field of healthy nutrition agree that breakfast is the most important meal. The general well-being of a person and his...