0 scientists prove that the use of apples can be reduced by a high-pole. The study of the study published in Pharmanutrition, polyphenolic...
Category: HEALTH
Thyroid problems: symptoms that should be known
0 problems with the thyroid gland can be in every third person after 40 years. For a long time, the symptoms of disorders in the organ go...
Studies have shown that coffee can extend life
All the truth about activated carbon: detox or harm?
Nutritionist: Don't put it in a salad if you lose weight
High growth makes a person prone to deadly dangerous arrhythmia
Experts debunked popular myths about the human body
0 Experts have debunked popular myths about the capabilities and performance of the human body. Some mistakes are firmly in the lives of...
Prevent bowel cancer: 6 habits that reduce risk
0 if you change lifestyle and a little use of nutrition, the risk can be reduced by almost a quarter!People over 50 years of age are...
Scientists have proved that chocolate will help to lose weight and fall in love
0 in your favorite delicacies contains a lot of useful substances. Lasuns can triumph, and now they do not have to give up chocolate if...
5 best lung cleansing products from pneumonia
1 lung inflammation is a serious illness that should only be engaged in treatment. However, there are foods that can speed up the lung...
6 fruits that have a lot of protein
How to slow down aging: 7 factors that inhibit telomer contractions
0 Time of life and duration of life. Some factors can accelerate their contractions, and some, on the contrary, inhibit this process. In...