Causes of anxiety before bed and ways to get rid of it are named
Anxiety and insomnia are interconnected parts of a single cycle, getting into which the body cannot rest normally, believes sleep psychologist Catherine Hall. She named ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts at night and get a good night's sleep in the conversation.
The psychologist explained that the cause of anxiety is the fear of spending another night without sleep and feeling exhausted in the morning. At the same time, according to her, the more a person worries, the worse the quality of their sleep deteriorates. “Worry and anxiety can cause you to stay in a state of drowsiness. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to get enough sleep, plunging into a deep sleep,” says Hall.
The constant lack of deep slow sleep, the psychologist continued, means that a person will get tired quickly, will concentrate worse. In addition, he has a high risk of stroke and heart attack. People who have encountered insomnia, she advised not to abuse sleeping pills, since in the long run they are useless.
In her opinion, the first step to recovery is to admit that anxious or obsessive thoughts at night are a manifestation of fear. She further advised to create ideal conditions for rest in the bedroom – there should be nothing superfluous in a dark, quiet space. Hall also called for strict adherence to the daily routine, in which time should be allocated for sports in the morning, and the evening hours are devoted to relaxing practices. In particular, before going to bed, the specialist suggested taking a bath, taking care of the skin, doing breathing exercises, or meditating.
In addition, the psychologist recommended giving up coffee and alcohol in the afternoon, as well as minimizing the use of smartphones and other gadgets. If these measures do not help improve sleep, it is worth seeking help from a doctor, Hall concluded.
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