Causes of blackheads and how to deal with them: advice from professionals
There are many ways to get rid of blackheads. But not all of them are as effective as they might seem at first glance. Moreover, some recipes can be extremely harmful.
However, many people try to get rid of blackheads with questionable methods. Recipes based on lemon juice or soda are not so useful. Professional cosmetologists advise staying away from them.
Firstly, lemon juice, despite its benefits, can provoke allergies. And its increased acidity will only aggravate the problem. As, by the way, baking soda. According to cosmetologists, it is worth refraining from procedures with these products.
Secondly, baking soda can cause complications such as couperose.
The cause of blackheads is simple. These are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, a gastroenterologist does not detect visible disorders with the stomach. But the skin reacts more sharply.
Many people suffering from blackheads may not know that the problem lies in food. Even completely healthy foods can cause blackheads. The reason is individual intolerance to certain foods.
These can be dairy products, vegetables, legumes and more. Also, skin problems are caused by alcohol, excessive consumption of fatty meat. Therefore, it is important to find out which foods cause digestive problems.
It is worth knowing that blackheads are not dirt. But an accumulation of melanin, another name for tyrosine.
So, how to get rid of blackheads. First of all, review your diet. Secondly, clay masks with olive oil help. Since there are only two options.
- Promote evacuation.
- Light up.
See this video for more details. Accessible and very useful.
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