Certain medicines are dangerous to take on your own without a doctor's prescription

Most often independently making a decision about taking some medicines in case of illness, people make a mistake with their choice and risk seriously harming their body, experts warn.

Many, feeling bad, prefer not to consult a doctor – instead, they self-diagnose and prescribe medication. According to general practitioner Mohamed Ali Wuad, taking medical drugs without the appointment of a treating specialist is by no means harmless – certain drugs taken on your own can be dangerous for the body.

“You may have chronic diseases in which taking certain medications is contraindicated. In addition, drugs can cause allergic reactions,” explained Ali Wuad.

In an interview, he emphasized that it is dangerous to take antibacterial drugs without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics contributes to the development of resistance in pathogenic microbes. Speaking about the danger of this phenomenon, the doctor warned that “multiresistance may occur, and further treating the patient will be simply useless.”

The specialist also criticized the practice of inhalation using “miramistin” through a nebulizer, calling the subpalatal treatment harmful. He reminded that the structure of many drugs changes in the nebulizer and their effect changes along with it.

Also, Mohamed Ali Wuad said that most often people take anti-hypertensive drugs on their own without a doctor's prescription. He specified that antihypertensive drugs “cannot be taken unsystematically and situationally”. Self-medication contributes only to the fact that the symptoms are suppressed, and the problem that caused them remains undetected, and with this the risk of possible complications, including life-threatening ones, increases

Also, the doctor noted that certain medications may be incompatible – their combination changes the effects produced by the drugs. Some drugs are prohibited during pregnancy.

Treatment of any disease with drugs should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, the expert summarized.

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Author: alex

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