Changes in the texture and color of nails can indicate health problems
Some changes in the condition of the nails are warning symptoms of diseases.
Fragile.There are several reasons why the texture of nails becomes very brittle and cracks. One of the most common is the aging of the body and nutrient deficiency. In some cases, the processes leading to excessive fragility and splitting of nails are provoked by an emerging disease.
Pale. This is one of the common signs that can tell that the body is aging. Statistically, three out of four men over the age of 60 have nails that “fade”, become paler. At the same time, such a change can have a pathological cause, including:
- Poor nutrition and anemia.
- Liver disease.
- Chronic heart failure.
White. Nails can turn white when injured, but if their color changes to white gradually, you should consult a doctor about this. It is necessary to clarify whether problems with the liver, kidneys, and heart are hidden behind this.
Yellow.Most often, such a change in the color of the nails indicates fungal infections or long-term smoking. Sometimes it can indicate psoriasis, thyroid disorders or diabetes. A rare pathology, known as “yellow nail syndrome”, can also be observed with serious lung disease.
Blue. The bluish color of the nails can indicate an excess of silver in the body or the presence of human HIV infection. Blue pigmentation can also be provoked by some drugs: among them – those intended for the treatment of liver diseases or regulation of heart rhythm. If the blue nails are not a temporary reaction to a decrease in the temperature of the environment or to taking medication, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause. Nails can turn blue due to serious diseases of the lungs and heart.
Waves on the surface. Another change in the texture of the nails – the formation of small holes or dimples on the surface of the plates – doctors call one of the classic signs of psoriasis on the nails.
Dark lines. If a dark brown or black line appears under the nail, it is necessary to show the doctor to make sure that it is not a symptom of skin cancer.
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