Chefs share a life hack: how to improve the taste of borscht with sugar

Among the first borscht takes the leading position among dishes. It is rich in taste, nutritious and always unsurpassed. The recipe may be the same, but every housewife makes it in her own way. No two borschts are the same. This is a culinary axiom.

General and interesting facts about borscht

The tastiest borscht is made when the broth is made from meat on the bone. Traditionally, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, onions, and carrots are used for cooking. Additional ingredients include beans and bell pepper. And the taste of the dish will depend on exactly how these ingredients will be prepared. All the named products are familiar to everyone, so it is not a difficult task to imagine ready-made borscht.

Did you know that you can change and add a new “sound” to borscht with celery, coriander, cherry juice? By the way, the last option helps to stabilize the beet taste. But that's not all.

Sugar is all genius in simple solutions

Looking for coriander and celery for borscht is a matter of taste and willingness to experiment. Chefs say the same. They offer to improve the taste of the usual dish with sugar.

Do not pour sugar into the broth or into the plate before serving. It is used at the stage of cooking carrots, onions and beets. 1 tablespoon is enough to balance the taste of vegetables. By the way, according to GOST, borscht must have sugar in the recipe. Here is such a small life hack, and the result is for all 100 points.

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Author: alex

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