Chest pain, trembling hands, memory lapses and 4 more scary symptoms you shouldn't be afraid of
But it's still worth seeing a doctor!
Of course, early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. And it's important to see a doctor as early as possible if you have symptoms of serious illnesses. But very often, some scary signs can turn out to be completely harmless. We have collected examples of cases when seemingly dangerous symptoms actually indicate very minor problems. (But if they recur frequently or do not go away for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor!)
Chest pain
The first thing we think of when faced with a sharp pain in the chest is a heart attack. But if these pains are not accompanied by other symptoms of a heart attack, if the patient is quite young and does not have diabetes or other diseases that increase the risk of a heart attack, most likely the chest pain is associated with more harmless diseases. Most often, it can be a manifestation of heartburn, stress, neuralgia, or even overstrain of the pectoral muscles during exercise. But if the pain doesn't go away within a few days, be sure to see a doctor.
Rapid heartbeat
Like chest pain, this symptom isn't necessarily related to heart disease. Tachycardia can be a sign of stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, or too much caffeine. But you should see a doctor if your rapid heartbeat is accompanied by shortness of breath or doesn't go away within a few days.
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