Chicken eggs every day? 4 reasons that justify it
Eggs provide the body with high-quality protein vitamin D, vitamins of group B, and these are not all their advantages.
If you have no contraindications to eating eggs, you can eat them every day. It is difficult to find another equally affordable product that would generously provide the body with the most important nutrient for the immune system – protein. Chicken eggs are also rich in other nutrients. An average portion of two eggs contains:
- 82% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin D;
- 50% of the body's daily need for folic acid;
- 25% of the body's daily need for riboflavin (vitamin B2);
- 40% of the daily salt requirement
In addition, eggs contain a lot of vitamins E, A, B12, B5, and iodine , phosphorus and iron.
Here are the reasons justifying the daily consumption of chicken eggs.
It is good for the brain. Eggs combine vitamins B2, B12, choline, iron, and tryptophan, a combination that studies have shown to reduce anxiety, depressive symptoms, and naturally improve sleep.
It's good for muscles. One egg contains approximately 6.3 g of protein. Protein supports muscle growth, repair and maintenance. Although the protein content of some dishes is higher than that of eggs, the exceptional quality and bioavailability of the egg protein itself are unmatched, many scientists confirm.
It helps to normalize cholesterol. Boiled eggs help increase the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or “good” cholesterol, which acts as a vessel cleaner – it combines with dangerous “bad” cholesterol and is excreted through the intestines.
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