Chicken eggs will protect blood vessels and help you lose weight
A group of American researchers decided to study the effect of chicken eggs on health and life expectancy. For a month, experts compared the effects of a diet without eggs, with three egg whites and with three whole eggs. The scientific work involved participants aged 18 to 35.
The endocrinologist evaluated the results of her colleagues' study. She noted that the group that added whole chicken eggs to its diet showed positive results. Its participants had normal blood cholesterol levels, did not increase body weight, and improved vascular and heart health.
Instead, scientists found that a diet with the addition of eggs has a positive effect on markers of insulin resistance, and an increase in the level of “good” cholesterol helps minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
The researchers did not specify which eggs the participants were given, but according to the doctor, this product is recommended to be boiled and eaten whole. Egg yolks contain biologically active nutrients and compounds that improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.
The specialist emphasized that eggs are one of the best options for animal protein. They can be eaten for breakfast or lunch. The permissible norm per day is from two to five eggs.
Eggs and omelets are also suitable for breakfast, but it is best if there are more boiled eggs in the diet. During heat treatment, the product loses most of its beneficial properties. In addition, along with the oil and bacon that many people like to add to the pan, excess fat appears in the dish.
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