Chinese scientists have explained the harmful effects of long daytime sleep on the heart
Chinese scientists from Guangzhou University explained that long daytime sleep has a harmful effect on the heart. They established that the probability of the development of diseases of this organ is 34% higher in persons who treat day rest as seriously as night rest.
Specialists analyzed the materials of 20 studies and studied the medical data of more than 313 thousand people who participated in the experiments. Scientists have come to the conclusion that you should not sleep more than an hour during the day, as otherwise there is a feeling of fatigue.
Sometimes irritability is observed, obesity and diabetes are provoked, and blood pressure rises. In addition, we are talking about a 30% risk of premature death.
Rest during the day is necessary for those who suffer from insomnia and cannot fall asleep for a long time at night. Experts believe that men and women should sleep 6-9 hours a day.
Dr. Fan, who participated in the study, expressed his opinion. Daytime sleep should not last more than an hour, you should rest for 30-45 minutes during the day. In this case, health is not harmed, which is especially relevant for those who cannot fall asleep for a long time at night.
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