Chinese technology for making crumbly and delicious rice

Rice has been a traditional and daily food in Asia for thousands of years . It is the main side dish and an independent dish. Every resident of China knows the secrets of cooking this cereal, how to make it tasty and crumbly at home. Read about it further in the article.

Step-by-step preparation process

First, rice is washed with cold water and transferred to a container with warm water for 10-12 minutes. At the next stage, it is moved to a pan in which 1 liter of water is poured per 1 kg of rice. Cook the groats over medium heat under the lid for 8 minutes.

Then the rice should be turned off and removed from the hot stove. Pay attention to an important point. There is no need to open the lid. In this way, the rice should stand for another 12 minutes. During this time, it will steam and become the desired consistency.

The loose rice is ready. You can serve it to the table. Put a piece of butter on top of the serving plate and add a little salt. Delicious!

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Author: alex

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