Choline increases the risk of blood clots – a list of dangerous products
Blood clotting events are closely linked to surgery and accidents, but the role of dietary sources is of increasing interest.
Clotting risks are primarily associated with the development of thrombosis, which causes a blockage inside blood vessels. Because veins carry blood from the body back to the heart, flow that deviates from its source can cause significant damage if it reaches a vital organ.
Chemicals found in meat and other healthy foods can cause these complications by affecting the gut microbiome.
Meat consumption can lead to the formation of a clotting substance called TMAO in the gut microbiome.
Although foods rich in choline—liver, egg yolks, and red meat—tend to be higher in saturated fat, choline can also be found in foods low in saturated fat, such as salmon, cod, tilapia, chicken breast, and legumes.
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